General information about the city of Los Angeles
in Southern California's Los Angeles County.
Quick Facts About Los Angeles
FOUNDED: September 4, 1781
INCORPORATED: April 4, 1850
POPULATION: Greater than 3.8 million
SIZE: About 500 square miles
ELEVATION: Sea level to about 300 feet
Los Angeles County
South Coast
Southern California
Wikipedia Introduction to Los Angeles
Article with general information and facts about Los Angeles,
California. Includes the city's history, geography, landmarks,
topography, geology, climate, environmental issues, demographics,
economy, culture, movie industry, museums, gallerieds, cults,
sports, government, crime, education, media, transportation, sister
cities, and notable residents.
LA as Subject Dot Org
Univeristy of Southern California Libraries Web site
dedicated to collectively preserving, archiving, and
sharing the historo of the Los Angeles Region.
Los Angeles and the Problem of Urban Historical Knowledge
Los Angeles Travel Guide
About Los Angeles County
Southern Coast of California
Southern California Travel Guide

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